Judges' Training

Region 18 Judges Training


Sponsored by
Jeffco, Mineral Area & SEMO Iris Societies

Featuring Keith Keppel

October 16, 2010

10 am - 4 pm

Cost: $20 for 5 hours of judges training - lunch included

Mineral Area College
Farmington, MO

BOB SKAGGS @ 314-706-3701
Email: robert.e.skaggs@wildblue.net
ADRIAN WILLS @ 573-243-5640



Judges' Training Update

Reprinted from 
AIS Region 18 Bulletin Spring 2000
by Dan & Audrey Judy
Co-Chairmen, Judges Training, Region 18

To continue to be an accredited judge in good standing with the AIS, you are required to:

1.   Be a member of the American Iris Society
2.   Vote the official ballot each year before the deadline.   Failure to do so for 2 consecutive years results in automatic dismissal.
3.   Receive a minimum of five hours of judges training credit in each three-year interval in any combination with the following: 
  A. Attend one AIS approved judges training school.
  B. Instruct an approved training session.
  C. Tutor an apprentice in a garden or at a show and report this activity to the Regional Judges Training Chairman.
  D. Each Judge is required to file an activity report to the Regional Judges Training Chairman by July 31.  These forms will be mailed to each judge by July 10 each year.

We would encourage any affiliate within Region 18 to sponsor an approved Judges Training school by complying with the following:

1.   At least 6 weeks prior to the school, submit to the Regional Judges Training Chairman a written request for a training school with the following information:
  A. Describe the subjects to be covered and the instructor for each course.
  B. Location, date and time of the training school.
  C. Cost of the training school.
  D. The training school shall be open to all interested AIS members.
2.   Notice of the training school should be sent to all regional affiliates after approval has been granted.
3.   A written test containing a minimum of 20 questions on areas to be covered in a two hour, or longer, session must be prepared by, or under the supervision of the instructor and completed by the attendees a the conclusion of the session.  Sessions of under two hours may have fewer questions with a minimum of 10 questions for a one hour session.
4.   After completion of the training school, the sponsor shall send to the Regional Judges Training Chairman the graded test papers for each course (required for credit), a sample unmarked paper and a complete roster with signatures, addresses and judgeship status of attendees and instructors.

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If we could all use a standard format in our signup sheets as follows, it would be a big help:

Sponsoring Club: _____________________________

Location of School:




Name of Instructor(s)


Hours of Credit





Name of Students



Judging Status











(Example may be copied)


Notes to Students  and Apprentices 
(taken from AIS Region 18 Bulletin - Spring 2001)

1.   Students and apprentices are responsible for arranging for practical garden judging and exhibition judging training.
2.   Students are not to be assigned to a judging panel at shows.  Students one-on-one training for exhibition must NOT be done during the actual judging of a show.  Students may, and are encouraged to, serve as clerks as long s the normal judge-clerk relationship is maintained.
3.   Apprentices need 2 hours on two separate occasions by different instructors of Garden Judging during bloom season.  Only one apprentice may be assigned may be assigned to each panel of judges at a show.
4.   Students, apprentices and instructors must fill out one-on-one instructors report and sent it promptly to the Judges Training Chairmen.
    Since apprentices need 2 hours training in Awards and Ballots, we recommend that instructors give Awards and Ballots training in a 2-hour session.  If only one hour is given, it might be difficult to get the others hours of credit in the time allowed for an apprentice to advance to an accredited judge.  The same is true of the two 2-hour sessions of one-on-one garden judging for apprentices.

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